The Department of Mathematics conducting “Quiz Competition” in commemoration of “International Day of Non Violence” for all students in our college. This Online Quiz competition will cover various aspects of Mahatma Gandhi’s life, his philosophy of Nonviolence.
Department of Mathematics(Matrix Association)
Event date (Start)
October 6, 2023
Organized by
PG and Research Department of Mathematics
Nature of Participants
Students of various departments
Dr.V. Inthumathi, Dr.J. Jayasudha, Dr.R. Santhi, Dr.V. Chitra, Dr. S. Sivasankar, Mr.P. Siravanan, Dr. S.Kaleeswari, Mrs. A. Gnanasoundari, Dr.M.Maheswari, Dr.N. Selvanayaki and Mrs. M. Amsaveni.
Event date (End)
No of Participants
Prof. M. Alkondan Hall
Name of the Resource Person
More than 230 students from various departments of our college had registered and attended the quiz competition. The questions had been designed to encouraged critical thinking, promote a deeper understanding of non-violence and instill a sense of responsibility towards building a peaceful society. It helped them to recollect the knowledge about the history and the life of Mahatma. They took a pledge to protect the peace and unity of the world.